The Increasing Number Of Movie Trailers


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are coming out earlier and earlier these days.

“Walt Disney’s Bolt,” “Narnia 2,” “WALLE,” and “Rapunzel” are examples as of this date in late March 2008.


I’m sorry but I can’t wait to see the movie WALLE. I hope the trailers that I’ve watched are as good as the full movie!

When you’re deciding which movie to watch (either at the theater or DVD store) do you watch movie reviews or movie trailers? I say watch the movie trailers and although the trailers can sometimes be misleading, you’ll get the just of the movie quickly and if it fits the action, romance or drama you think you want to see then you’re good to go!

Come on, online movie trailers are what broadband was created for, right?

It’s been real fun building my movie trailer site. One of the biggest challenges is finding a way to display the

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