The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy?

Question by : The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy?
Before i begin i would like to say that i am in no means cheating or being lazy i both read the entire book and saw the movie. I am going to write the questions and answers i have fore some and i would like to know if they are correct and some answers for the others! thank you
Oh and if u read the book did u like it? i thought it was really funny and entertaining the movie was a bit different but still good as well. BTW if you are a person looking for answers i’d appreciate it if you don’t copy mine and give them to your teacher as your own just saying! but i hope it does help those of you who have the same troubles i am! and thank you for ll who took the time to answer 🙂

1. Describe the main character(s).
2. Describe the setting of the book: time, place, location, etc.
3. Write a short summary of the plot (How does the book begin? What is the challenge for the main character? How does s/he overcome this obstacle?)
4. Analyze how the main character changes as a result of meeting the challenge.
5. Describe your favorite part of the book, and explain why it is your favorite.
6. Write your opinion of the book. Provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.
7. Analyze the title of the book. Why do you think the author chose that title?

( the answers have to be in paragraph form though this is just like what i can come up with right now)
1. The Main character’s in this sci-fi novel will have to be Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect. Dent is a tall English man in his 30’s who happens to have dark have dark hair and never seems to be at ease with himself.His best friend Ford is actually a hitchhiker from a planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse. He spent 15 years stuck on the planet earth and worked hard to blend himself into the society He was conspicuously tall his features were striking but not conspicuously handsome. Both him and dent were best friends.
2.The story begins in England arthur’s home, the pub etc… but the bulk of the book takes place around the galaxy! The hitch a ride on a vogon ship get thrown out into space and are rescued by an improbability ship they even visit a legendary planet called magrathea.


5. I have many parts of the book that i enjoyed reading but my favorites were always those with Marvin the depressed robot. He thinks that everybody hates him! When Arthur tried making conversation with him on the double sun set all he had to say was ” it’s rubbish”. I don’t know why but i think it’s adorable and hilarious that he is just so depressed, if that makes any sense. By far the best scene with Marvin would have to be when he saved Zaphon,Trilliand,Ford and Arthur from the Blagolun Kapa cops by plugging himself to the cop car main computer and talking to it, it got to a point when the computer couldn’t take it anymore and committed suicide.
6.I believe the book was an amazing read full of comedy and adventure. From depressing robots to traveling through hyperspace. I had a fun time reding it and i reccomend it to everyone!

7. IDK ?? i think its because that’s the book that they read throughout the book that help them though there whole hitchiking adventure idk please help me!!

PLEASE PLEASE help me i really appreciate it thank you in advance!!!

ps: I also have to answer the same questiond for The Alchamist, i have yet to read the book but it’d really help if u can answer a couple of questions from there. please and

Best answer:

Answer by Kei
For question 1, you’ve described their appearance, but you haven’t said what they’re like as people. A few sentences about their personalities will quickly fill up your paragraph and give you a nice long answer. p.s. I love Ford Prefect; he is definitely my favorite in the book.

2) add some more about the galaxy. Is it realistic or not? is it the same as most space books, and if not, how does it differ.

3) arthur’s challenge is the main problem he faces. He obviously faces a lot of problems, and this is also a tough one because half the time he doesn’t do anything active, just gets pulled around into crazy situations. But he definitely does have several big problems that you could talk about. choose whichever you think is the biggest or most important to him.

4) is related to 3.

5) you seem to be fine

6) This isn’t a great question, but you can improve your answer by looking at it as if you’re trying to prove a point. You could try to “prove” that the book is funny by quoting or refering to specific places in the book that were humorous. That sort of thing.

7) the basic idea you have for your answer is fine. It is not hard to figure out how this title relates to the book. Write your answer up (and maybe add something about why the guide is so important. there are a lot of things in this book, but the book isn’t called “The Improbability Drive” or “The Vogons.” Why did the author decide to name the book after this object, the Guide, rather than after something else?)

I really enjoyed this book, and I read 2 or 3 others…I didn’t finish the series yet because after a while it started to all sound the same and I wanted a break. But I enjoy them. I love the random, slightly bitter, sense of humor.

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