The Chronicles of Nihilum Kil’jaedan – Part 2

Part1: Part2: Enjoying? Then rate please The Chronicles of Nihilum is finally finished after what one might see as the longest delay ever. We never intended for the movie to be released this late and we promise that in the future it won’t happen again. To talk a little about the movie its a mix of lore, roleplaying, voice acting and in-game footage from the Kil’jaeden fight. We wanted to make something more than just a regular kill video, as we did with our old Illidan movie which had cut-scenes we made. Many thanks to all who helped bring the movie forward, especially the fantastic voice actors from Skyfall Studios, Glenn “Caruu” Govan, Matt Greenburg and Melissa D. Johnson, whom you might know from other machinima projects on – Special thanks goes to Simon “Amiralen” Algehov who drew the poster. Made and Directed by: Chaosvex In-Game POV: Cloze (Rogue), Hybra (Shadow Priest), Kungen (Warrior) Voice overs Anveena: Mellissa D. Johnson Arthas: Glenn “Caruu” Govan Kil’jaeden: Glenn “Caruu” Govan Narrator: Glenn “Caruu” Govan Trailer narrator: Matt Greenburg
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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