The Bonus: Terry Harrington spent 25 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit

Interview with Director Tim Parker
movie about making a movie
Image by watchmojo
Filmmaker Tim Parker tell us that you don’t need to live in Hollywood to be a movie director. In this video, speaks to director Tim Parker about making movies. Here:

The Bonus: Terry Harrington spent 25 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit
The full moon rose steadily like movie credits and then hovered on the other side of the Missouri River, backlighting downtown Omaha. It was Homecoming Night at Central High. The Eagles hosted Millard South at their new football stadium, built largely from donations from the city’s first family, the Buffetts. Over the din of cheering parents, the strains of the pep band and the refs’ whistles, a …
Read more on Sports Illustrated

Steiner Studios Expansion To Include Space For Budding Filmmakers
As the film industry grows in New York, a movie production facility in Brooklyn is preparing to keep up with the demand by adding space and training for those looking to get their big break into the film business.
Read more on NY1 News

Saratoga pastor inspiration behind ‘The Rite’
San Jose Diocese official exorcist’s journey from doubter to believer is chronicled in movie starring Anthony Hopkins
Read more on San Jose Mercury News

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