Taylor Lautner Hollywood’s Highest Paid Teen!

Twitter.com – Follow Us On Twitter! Which of your favorite Twilighters just became Hollywoods highest paid teen? Keep watching for the details. Hey everybody. Im Dana Ward for Clevver TV with the billion-dollar story. Well, maybe not a billion, but this Twilight star is definitely making millions. Taylor Lautner apparently just became the highest paid teen in Hollywood. Deadline Hollywood reported that Lautner hooked in 7.5-million-dollars for an upcoming project, which is more movie moolah than other popular young stars like Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus have made on their single film projects. According to reports, Taylor will star in a flick called Northern Lights, where he plays a talented aerobatics pilot and it follows him through a feud with his manipulative, rich father as well as a new love relationship with his female counterpart another gifted pilot. I’m wondering if you’re kinda surprised that Taylor Lautner out of all of the new young stars to enter Hollywood this year is the one making the most money on a single movie? Leave us your thoughts and dont forget to sub our YouTube page, ClevverTV. Im Dana Ward, thanks for watching!

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