
Hows the t shirt business? is anyone making a living by making there own tshirts and selling them?

Question by faridrahbar@sbcglobal.net: Hows the t shirt business? is anyone making a living by making there own tshirts and selling them? first, you would have to atract attention, i got that one down, but is this busines any good?… Continue reading

hows the t shirt business? is anyone making a living by making there own tshirts and selling them?

Question by faridrahbar@sbcglobal.net: hows the t shirt business? is anyone making a living by making there own tshirts and selling them? first, you would have to atract attention, i got that one down, but is this busines any good?… Continue reading

New Moon Fans!! My sisters want to make t-shirts to wear to the New Moon movie. Help!?

Question by Kds Momma: New Moon Fans!! My sisters want to make t-shirts to wear to the New Moon movie. Help!? We are having a hard time thinking of ideas or themes etc. One of my sisters is an… Continue reading

Is it copyright infringement to design and sell t-shirts with quotes from movies and songs on it?

by the longhairedgit

Question by dana m: Is it copyright infringement to design and sell t-shirts with quotes from movies and songs on it? I want to design a line of t-shirts and, obviously, try to sell them. Some… Continue reading

I would like to make some t-shirts to sell on e-bay using the picture of a t.ve. celeb. and a line he uses ok?

Question by Bruno R: I would like to make some t-shirts to sell on e-bay using the picture of a t.ve. celeb. and a line he uses ok? want to try with 100 t-shirts using a downloaded picture of… Continue reading

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