
How to illustrate fabrics in fashion sketch: SHEER FABRICS and CHIFFON Tutorial

Hi everyone! Here is something inspired by riding habits in the 19th century. Part three- sheer fabrics and chiffon. “Like” my Facebook Page: Follow me on twitter: To see how to render other fabrics go to: Taffeta:… Continue reading

Totally Sketch Interview: The Partners Project Episode 32

Michael Gallagher writes, directs, and produces a wide variety of original comedic videos, and is a pioneer of the alternate ending video model. This week Michael Gallagher of TotallySketch is the featured guest on The Partner’s Project! The Partners… Continue reading

Film Riot – Jack Jackerson Saves Lives in a Sketch Shot with DSLR …

The DSLR lovin continues with an original Film Riot sketch shot using three different DSLR cameras. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Funny Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry comedy sketch! ‘Your name, sir?’ – BBC comedy

Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie perform a hilarious short comedy sketch in a police station. A man making a statement has a surname that is pretty hard to pronounce! Watch this classic moment from the ground-breaking comedy sketch show ‘A… Continue reading

Can you suggest me a website from which I can download scripts of sketch comedies?

Question by Soldato Biancaneve: Can you suggest me a website from which I can download scripts of sketch comedies?

Best answer:

Answer by Enrique Smithuse torrent sites like u torrent and bit torrent

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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