
Lastest Movie Making Schools News

Abdication – Ketchikan gets royally screwed by its only representative in the state house Like a modern day scene played out of the current movie The Kings Speech, Ketchikan has come face to face with its own royal dilemma. Read… Continue reading

Jay Greene on Making Schools Better

Jay Greene is the author of numerous studies demonstrating that more choice in education leads to better outcomes. A professor of education reform at the University of Arkansas and a fellow at the George W. Bush institute , Greene is… Continue reading

Lastest Movie Making Schools News

Seth Davis: Questions surrounding Duke, race for No. 1 overall seed and more Since Duke was the latest team to lose its No. 1 ranking, it’s only fitting that we begin this week’s mailbag with a pair of e-mails from… Continue reading

Governor Chris Christie “Schools” Teacher About The Budget

Governor Chris Christie held a town hall meeting today in Flemington to outline his reform agenda. The Christie Reform agenda targets ethics reform that encourages accountability and results; pension and benefits reform by overhauling the pension and benefits system which… Continue reading

Parents Flock To State Screenings Of Film About High Stress In Schools

Parents Flock To State Screenings Of Film About High Stress In Schools ‘Race To Nowhere’ Portrays A Test-Oriented Culture That Leaves Students Unprepared For College A grass-roots film about the high pressure to perform in American schools and the toll… Continue reading

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