
Religious Happenings

Let’s Make A Movie! sound check Image by windsordi Traffic cones and a line of white panel equipment trucks are the indicator that film crews and movie stars will be busy soon. Today in the Entertainment district I shot the… Continue reading

The Real Cost Of Religious Faith – Atheist Experience 696

Mark calls in to let the hosts know they are going to burn in hell. Jeff and Matt throw him for a loop that he was not expecting. He was not at all prepared to adequately respond to some of… Continue reading

Why is it necessary to use special effects when making a religious movie?

by Mosman Library

Question by M (Sarcophilus harrisii): Why is it necessary to use special effects when making a religious movie?

Ethan: Good catch…and it was my heater! jcmazza101: Curious? When was the last time you went to a… Continue reading

Can you religious nuts in the US explain why the festival of Easter was first celebrated 2000 years BC ??

by Inkyhack

Question by drugs_are_killers: Can you religious nuts in the US explain why the festival of Easter was first celebrated 2000 years BC ?? Can you also explain that before Jesus Christ there were at least 3 “Saviours”… Continue reading

Martin Luther, the religious revolutionary, NOT Martin Luther King, separated from the Roman Catholic church..?

by GreenLead

Question by jonathan: Martin Luther, the religious revolutionary, NOT Martin Luther King, separated from the Roman Catholic church..? because he was outraged the corrupted Pope, sold forgiveness to the followers.

My question here was which pope sold… Continue reading

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