
Robert Pattinson talks about marriage to Kristen Stewart

Twilight Hunk Robert Pattinson was very candid in his latest interview for a tabloid magazine in which he opened up about all the rumors surrounding him. It seems Rob is really trying hard to get the facts about his personal… Continue reading

Dream about marriage at a movie theater?

by Chris Devers

Question by Darth Drahcir: Dream about marriage at a movie theater? In my dream, I was at an outdoor wedding. I was the groom, and I stood at the front waiting for the bride. I was… Continue reading

Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!!

Visit our site at: My girlfriend Ginny gets taken to the movie theater to see “Fast Five”. After a preview for the Hangover 2, a trailer for a movie comes on. A trailer I made of her father and… Continue reading

The Sims 3 Wii Gameplay Marriage | Woohoo | Pregnancy and Birth | Moving home | PC | XBOX | DS | PS3

Twitter ~ As requested by the viewers on the other Sims 3 Wii Video. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Movie review: RSVP no to the tedious, trite romantic comedy ‘Love, Wedding, Marriage’

Movie review: RSVP no to the tedious, trite romantic comedy ‘Love, Wedding, Marriage’ To describe “Love, Wedding, Marriage” as sitcommy would be an insult to sitcoms, which can and do succeed in inspiring genuine laughter. This is more like a… Continue reading

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