
Does this make sense to anyone ? I lose moments in time ?

Question by cool breeze: Does this make sense to anyone ? I lose moments in time ? Does this make sense to anyone ? I lose moments in time ? I was having sex with my husband and then… Continue reading

did any atheist or non christian lose their faith from asking too many questions?

by tychay

Question by voice_of_reason: did any atheist or non christian lose their faith from asking too many questions? Despite the fact that the Bible represents the best selling book of all time and serves as the sacred script… Continue reading

Playing to Lose: AI and “Civilization” (Soren Johnson)

Google Tech Talk August 26, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Soren Johnson. Artificial intelligence is crucial to any strategy game, providing a compelling opponent for solo play. While many of the challenges of AI development are technical, significant design challenges exist… Continue reading

Transfer Vhs to DVD – Don’t Lose Your Precious Home Movies

by Charlie Perez

Transfer Vhs to DVD – Don’t Lose Your Precious Home Movies

You may have old vhs tapes or 8mm full of memories stacked somewhere. I have bad news, those precious moments recorded are not gonna last forever.… Continue reading

do you think people lose their sense of humour if they stop practising it ?

Question by Mohamed A: do you think people lose their sense of humour if they stop practising it ? jim carrey said once : If my career in show business hadn’t panned out I would probably be working today… Continue reading

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