
Q&A: What is the name of the movie that there were these 2 kids and 2 teens with super powers?

by Jason Hargrove

Question by : What is the name of the movie that there were these 2 kids and 2 teens with super powers? In the movie, this agency is recruiting super heroes to combat a super heroe turn… Continue reading

What product(s) would you recommend for kids (ages 10-13) to make home movies and stop-action videos?

by uniondocs

Question by committed1985: What product(s) would you recommend for kids (ages 10-13) to make home movies and stop-action videos? I don’t want to get them expensive adult equipment. Do you know of any amateur things to get… Continue reading

which movie has- kids, neighbors, murders, treasure, cell phone?

Question by KMains15: which movie has- kids, neighbors, murders, treasure, cell phone? what movie is it where there are some kids. and a cell phone and like a code or something in a cell phone? and their neighbors turn… Continue reading

Stupid History Class and “The Patriot” movie!! :( (kids bothering me)?

Question by : Stupid History Class and “The Patriot” movie!! 🙁 (kids bothering me)? So in history we are watching the movie The Patriot. And you know the bad colonel is called William Tavington. Well my last name is Tavington… Continue reading

Q&A: Whats the name of the Christmas movie with the elf that sells out Santa with lolly pops that make kids fly? ?

by Jason Hargrove

Question by chrisswelshbaby69: Whats the name of the Christmas movie with the elf that sells out Santa with lolly pops that make kids fly? ? It’s not an animation and it’s a gooood few years old,… Continue reading

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