

LATEST HEADLINES Department of Conservation: Richard The Kākāpō Passes Away Aged 80 A legendary kākāpō which played a vital role in the recovery of the species has been found dead. The kākāpō Richard Henry was believed to be more than… Continue reading

Q&A: Why is the Sex in the city movie making headlines???

Question by kglover86: Why is the Sex in the city movie making headlines??? Nobody ever went broke overestimating the gullibility of the American public.” And this tripe of a movie is an excellent example. Take a four-year running meaningless… Continue reading

Q&A: What could be some newspaper headlines about this company?

Question by Lily R: What could be some newspaper headlines about this company? Right, I’m writing series of films scripts based on a second Great British Empire and in my scripts there is a British/Japanese company called Richman Corporation.… Continue reading

What could be some newspaper headlines about this company?

Question by Lily R: What could be some newspaper headlines about this company? Right, I’m writing series of films scripts based on a second Great British Empire and in my scripts there is a British/Japanese company called Richman Corporation.… Continue reading

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