
Giveaway Garbage: Gaming the System in 5 Easy Steps

Where is the good content in this cycle? Where is the opportunity to NOT be frontpage if someone actually makes more popular content than yours? I’ll tell you where: it’s not there. This is how one games the system. This… Continue reading

Garbage In, Garbage Out: TV, Movies, And Music – Live Broadcast w/ Monica Dennington

Does God want me to watch television? As a Christian, should I only listen to music artists / bands who are on Christian music labels? Does God want me to throw away all of my secular music / movies /… Continue reading

‘How I Met Your Mother’ Recap: ‘Garbage Island’

‘How I Met Your Mother’ Recap: ‘Garbage Island’ Sari N. Kent After Marshall sees a documentary about garbage, he becomes fixated on saving the environment. Meanwhile, Ted runs into Zoey’s ex-husband. The episode starts with Ted narrating, “Kids, sometimes wonderful… Continue reading

Simulations of Garbage: Group Shows at Charles Bank and Black & White

Simulations of Garbage: Group Shows at Charles Bank and Black & White On the snow-covered Bowery, you can still buy stainless-steel restaurant fixtures, visit the Salvation Army mission or encounter a sprinkling of drunks, but in the shadow of the… Continue reading

Voyage to the Pacific Ocean’s garbage patch: A dolphin encounter unlike any other

Voyage to the Pacific Ocean’s garbage patch: A dolphin encounter unlike any other Editor’s Note: Scuba instructor and underwater videographer Drew Wheeler is traveling on board the Algalita Marine Research Foundation’s 50-foot Ocean Research Vessel, Alguita , on a two-month… Continue reading

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