
Q&A: Is it to make a parody of the Twilight books and movie?

Question by GenieVillain26: Is it to make a parody of the Twilight books and movie? I’m in 8th grade and everyone saw an dreads the twilight series (even a few boys) but me. I think the vampire thing is… Continue reading

The HP movies cut out so much –so how will people who dont want to read the books want to read it?

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by feltonfan: The HP movies cut out so much –so how will people who dont want to read the books want to read it? Okay, in every Harry Potter movie, A LOT of things were cut… Continue reading

Q&A: What books would you like to see being made into a movie?

Question by : What books would you like to see being made into a movie? Please only put ones that have teenage girls (13-17 mostly) as the main or one of the main characters because I’m a teenage girl and… Continue reading

Q&A: Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie?

by Kevin H.

Question by : Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie? I recently heard that Warner Bros are going to begin making the Bone movie, based on the graphic novel series by Jeff Smith. I don’t… Continue reading

Q&A: Are they gonna make movies for all of the twilight series books?

Question by Anna K: Are they gonna make movies for all of the twilight series books?

Best answer:

Answer by *top_designer*eventually!

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