SUB-ZERO – Short Film

Short mystery/horror film created by me for the Palmetto Dramatic Association (PDA) and South Carolina International Thespians Festival 2010. The story follows a group of students as they deal with the case of a missing substitute as well as unpredictable disaster. This is the full version of the film. I was informed only a few hours before the event that I had to cut it from 7 minutes to 5 minutes. The scenes I cut are designated with an annotation. I did not win, mainly due to a lacking plot because of the last-minute changes I made but I wanted to share with you the full version of this film which I have spent the past few months creating. I want to thank the cast, crew, and everyone who helped make this possible with their suggestions and reviews of the film and script. I feel this was my first big step in entering the filmmaking career that I want to pursue. It may not be “Hollywood” material, but I have learned so much from this experience that I would not have without it. Please enjoy my film, Sub-Zero. ENDING SPOILER: A lot of people are commenting that they are confused about the ending. And in a way, that’s what I wanted. You don’t know exactly why or how Ashley came into the bathroom and/or killed the substitute. I don’t even have an answer for that. After Adam saw the bomb and reported it, the receptionist decided to send out an alert to all the other classrooms to evactuate as many students as possible to remove them from danger. They did not want to alarm
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Noteboek (English title: Notebook) consists of 4 short experimental films where I try to confuse the reality. In these films, illusions and expectations are challenged. I used several animation techniques to make this film like stop-motion and rothoscopy. Noteboek is a short film and part of my graduation project (2008). If you want to see more work please visit: Music: The White Stripes-Seven Nation Army. This video has been shortlisted for YouTube Play. See the shortlist at

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