Speed Up Your Slow Computer and Make it Last


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Speed Up Your Slow Computer and Make it Last

If you listen to the advertisements, you should be buying a shiny new computer every two years. If you listen to your bank statements, you should be saving more and making due with what you have. Most people can do everything they need on a computer that is a few years old, as long as that computer is running well.

The problem is that is computers that are older often run much more slowly than they did when they were new. The bad news is that there are many causes of this sluggishness; the good news is that you can fix many of them on your own. Here are a few inexpensive ways to make your old computer like new:

First, back up your computer. You should always save your documents, pictures, music, etc. on an external hard drive before changing something on your computer.
Make sure that there is room on your hard drive. Your computer is constantly

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