[SPANISH] Dear 16-year-old Me / Querida yo a los dieciséis

VISIT OUR CHANNEL: youtube.com This version was very kindly donated by our creative agency, Evidently, who have Spanish speakers on their team. They generously offered to help when requests started coming in, at no expense to us. We’ve had requests for other languages as well – and we want you to know we haven’t been ignoring them! There are some specific things that need to be done to produce translations and we’re in the process of determining the best way forward. If you’d like to support us in our ongoing efforts, please consider making a donation at dcmf.ca It would be very helpful! Thank you

It is one of the explanations on money and the Vortex I love the most: it both explains the process, and how it feels from inside, and how it shows on the outside. For me one of the important confirmations was that at some point we start wanting to act, but these actions don’t have to bring immediate tangible physical results – what’s important is that they (the actions) feel good! I also added at the end my favorite piece from a recent AH LIVE workshop about letting it happen instead of making it happen. Enjoy! 🙂 My deepest appreciation go to Abraham, Jerry and Esther: abraham-hicks.com Now you can participate in the LIVE workshops online AbrahamLIVE.com Me practicing AH teachings allow-money.com Welcome 🙂

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