Sonic in the Year 3000

INFO ON THE SONG: Please do not affiliate me with the Jonas Brothers. I do not care for celebrities or their status in the world. I just like the song. Please do not judge the content of this video because you like/dislike the Jonas Brothers. I do not really care about your views on them, so please refrain from making rude comments to me or other viewers. Thank you. :3 Many of you have asked why Sonic has blue arms. It’s because ever since I was a small girl, I drew him a lot with blue arms. It’s just a habit. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t. You can tell which parts I was conscious drawing because sometimes he DOES have tan arms! 400000 views?! This is getting ridiculous… owO It’s so cool though! Thank you everybody! Nya, please check out my other videos when you have time, too! 😀 SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! 300000 VIEWS! I’ve never had anything go up like this! Thank you for clicking replay every 2 seconds…. XD AAAHHHHHHH! 200000 VIEWS! THIS IS AMAZING GUYS! Just remember to read the annotations and description! XD OMGEE! Thank you thank you thank you! This has reached 100000 views! 😀 And if I forget to update this, then it will have even MORE and this won’t be important or timely or anything! Yayyyy untimeliness! Anywayz, THANK YOUUUU! Sonic and Tails go to the year 3000 to see Sonic’s great great great grand-daughter. All animated by hand- no pictures from Sonic X used as reference or in the movie. So HAHAHAHA I win creativity award for not just laying the

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