Six Myths about Nulled Scripts, or There’s No Such Thing as Free Lunch


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time on chasing me around.

Truth: Only some won’t. Others will track you down, and if you happen to be in an appropriate jurisdiction, they will sue you and take away your money, business and reputation. Others may be too small or care less if you are using their product without paying you, but at some point things can change all too quickly.

In many countries, the software manufacturers won’t chase you, but the police will. Messing about with OPIP (Other People’s Intellectual Property) in Europe will most likely get you into serious trouble with the law.

Myth #3.  It’s the same software as its paid version, but it’s free, so why not use the cracked one I can download for free?

Truth:  The software is not always working the same was as its paid equivalent. It may be a cracked copy of a demo with limited functionality, could be poorly cracked and

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