Should I see the movie Twilight after reading all of the books?

Question by Che-Che: Should I see the movie Twilight after reading all of the books?
Okay so my deal is that I read all four books in the Twilight saga and absolutely loved them. They seriously sucked me in and I can admit now that I am “obsessed” (when I had first only read Twilight, I thought it was overrated but still loved it). I love everything about the Twilight books but I’m scared to see the movie because I REALLY don’t want to ruin my visions of book (like the houses, people, cars, etc). BUT since I’m in my obsessed phase, I feel like I need to see the movie especially b/c I heard it was amazing and b/c they’re making movies of the other books as well. Do you guys think the movie will ruin how I pictured everything and disappoint me? I’m pretty judgmental I guess when it comes to my movies and books.. I know the Harry Potter movies ruined my visions in the books and I could only picture what the movie showed.. What did the movie do for you readers?

Best answer:

Answer by him who is me
watch the movie it was that bad

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