Setting up a Minecraft Server in Mac OS X

UPDATE: New video with updated instructions here: I finally got the server software to work in Mac OS X, I’ve decided to share my findings with you all. Once you download the minecraft_server.jar file, create a new folder for it, and place the JAR file inside it. Then open Terminal and cd into that directory, if you are not familiar with the command line or UNIX, you can simply type “cd ” (be sure to include a space after “cd”) and drag the folder onto the Terminal window and press return. After that, you can then start your server, type: “java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui” -Xms1024M is the minimum amount of RAM given to the server. -Xmx1024M is the maximum amount of RAM given to the server. After you press return, you should get a slew of information, a few about “Preparing the world,” maybe a few about “Exception … file not found” and such, you should also notice a group of files has been created. Once finish you should be able to type “help” to get a list of commands. You can now connect to your server. If you are playing on the same computer type in :”″ as the IP address. If you want to change the server IP, port, or change other parameters such as grow-trees or making the server public, shutdown the server first by typing “save-all” followed by “stop”. After the sever shuts down, do not close the Terminal window, type “nano”. Here you can edit all the parameters for the server, look up the rest in

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