Scrap Deck for Dummies

This is a guide to help anyone struggling with making a scrap deck or who is thinking about making a scrap deck… Take it or leave it.

DOWNLOAD DVD Format 422 MB.Zip. Fast Direct. Visit the Crowhouse get it Direct. ——————————————————————- Larry Hannigan The Voice of The Australian Constitution Its not hard learn your rights guys and once you know them you will know you have the power not a criminal dictatorship. Read it ,love it ,breath it, and if any politician criminal plots to change it or tries remove it via illegal treaties without referendum its your duty as an AUSTRALIAN human being to expose them as criminals. Treaty agreements Quote: Although the Constitution does not confer on the Parliament any formal role in treaty making, all treaties (except those the Government decided are urgent or sensitive). BEWARE If politicians can stir enough fear via media propaganda wether its true or not they can play the urgent or sensitive card and pass laws via treaty that can be unjust and violate our constitution by deception which may result in restricting or removing our rights, civil liberty’s and freedoms. EG: Global Warming/Terrorism A LESSON IN LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION. Before 1901 Australia did not exist as a nation. It was a collection of six British colonies which were partly self-governing, but under the law-making power of the British Parliament. 1901 Queen Victoria signed the ” Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act ” containing section
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