Sales Scripts That Work Are Scripts That Pique Interest and Get Prospects Racing To You For Help


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Sales Scripts That Work Are Scripts That Pique Interest and Get Prospects Racing To You For Help

Many entrepreneurs and sales people feel that if you are just helpful to prospects they will see the value in using your product or service. They figure that when you just keep answering questions the prospect will surely see that you are different from everyone else and feel compelled to use what you have to offer. You will certainly be viewed as different; you will be viewed as a free information service.  

Just consider for a moment the search engine of Google. Google gives 100’s of millions of people the ability to find information yet most people buy NOTHING from them directly. Unless you plan on selling ads on your phone calls, I would invite you to consider that being helpful is not the best way to convert a prospect into a customer. 

It’s really not your fault. Most sales conversion courses treat sales like a game, or promise

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