Sales Scripts That Reveal What Is Most Important To Your Customer To Get You The Sale


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Sales Scripts That Reveal What Is Most Important To Your Customer To Get You The Sale

Going to a party can help you discover more about your talents as a sale’s professional.  I am not suggesting that you go to a party and talk about business.  I am not even suggesting that you build rapport to see if you can find valid prospects at a party.  Parties are social events and yes there is business being done, but that isn’t the point.  Social gatherings can help you fine tune skills that you can use on the phone and at your next meeting.

Just envision a recent party you have gone to.  Picture the people wandering around and talking to each other.  When you jump into a conversation, who is the most important person people like to talk about?  Here is a big hint, it’s not you.  People’s most important topic is themselves.  If you take the time to ask questions about others you will find volumes of information.  Take 5 minutes at a


party and only ask questions about the other person.  You will likely find they won’t even ask about you and that is a good thing.

Now, when you are on the phone with your prospects, how do you ask questions?  Are your sales scripts oriented around your products?  Do your sales scripts simply dig at benefits that your service could provide?  Instead of having sales scripts that reveal features, benefits, or pricing, what if you transformed your scripts into questions that asked about your prospect?

Most sales scripts fail because they sound like a pitch.  The scripts may be filled with the real benefits of your offering; however, are they reaching to the most important person in the conversation?  Sales scripts that get you closer to the sale will dig deep and focus on the prospect.  They will get to the most important aspects of how they can save your


prospect time and money.  When your questions are interest piquing they will no longer be sales scripts, they will be questions that sell.

Before you pick up the phone next time and start dialing your prospects, simply ask yourself the following:

How can I make this phone conversation ALL about the prospect?
How can I make each question I ask reveal that they can save money by using what I am offering?
How can I make each question reveal they can save time by what I am offering?

When you focus on just the above three items on each call you will find your conversations are different.  No longer will you feel like you are selling something.  No longer will your prospect feel like they are under a heat lamp being forced to make a decision.  Your conversations will flow and your prospect will happily ask how they can get started now.

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interest piquing questions that you could use at a party (although you might not want to) and on every phone call to make more sales.  Free 5 day video powered course that you can finish in just an hour if you want.  Start today at

Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.

His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.


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