Rapid Actions Profits Script Review


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Rapid Actions Profits Script Review

First off, if you don’t know about the Script concept or RAP, let me give you some background info.  The concept is based on the premise that most individuals will buy a product, which appears tobe highly valued or a product with little value for .  It is cheap enough to make people buy and then a squeeze page is used to get this buyer added to your mailing list.  Now on top of this, you can instantly create affiliates which now can make 100% Commissions off of the product you are selling, but not the One Time Offer.  OTO’s are always placed on the backend of the product sales process and this is where the continued profits are.  Multiple sales can be created and recreated by constantly mailing the list with new products which are still a measly .  Eventually this adds up to quite a bit of profit.

The RAP script, now in Version 3.0,


has taken this to the next level and now you can give your affiliates a tools page and they can get stats. Commissions can be manipulated, Joint Ventures can be made, and the possibilities are endless for continually promoting to PAYING customers as opposed to Freebie seekers.  RAP is an outstanding script which has made many Internet Marketers a lot of money over the last few years.  Now, enter RAP Member Plus.

RAP Member Plus is the newest offering which allows you to not only add the original RAP functions to an unlimited number of websites, but now you can roll any of these sites into a Membership site with a one time payment or recuring billing.  You can make stand alone membership sites out of pre-existing sites, new sites, WordPress blogs, and pretty much any site or directory you want.  You can take any RAP site you have and with one click, you can add that


particular site or product to any RAP Member Plus membership site you have.  This all comes with a complete Administrative backend where you can easily manage it all.  This is a one time purchase as well.  Once you buy this you will never have to buy it again.  It can be used on as many sites as you want and the upgrades are free for life!

I personally use the RAP script on numerous sites and it is essential in my Resale Rights/ PLR product offerings.  As people buy, they are always encouraged to buy again.  I ussually keep my prices in the range of -30, so don’t think you are required to sell at .  That was just the original concept.  I actually sell a few products at over 0.  There is no limit.  Plus, with the PAYPAL Instant Payment Notification Plugin, you can guarantee there will not be any fraudulent sales.  The downloads are secure and you can


even time when you want content delivered with RAP Member Plus.

Email addresses can be collected with every sale and the One Time Offer function is built in to make everything easy.  In fact, this script is so easy that you don’t have to have hardly any technical knowledge at all.  As hard as it is getting to get new Resale Rights products on Clickbank, this is the single best way to guranatee repeat sales and profits.  I like to offer my affiliate 100% Commissions on low end products to get tons of traffic to my more expensive One Time Offers and it also gets them on my list.  I end up raking in more profits this way then I did when I was trying to make a ton of money per sale.  It is a strategy that works.

CHeck out the features of the basic –~~~~~~~~~~~~–

href=”http://linkb.com/RAP” title=”Rapid Actions Profits”>Rapid Action Profits 3.0 Script and compare it to the new Rapid Action Profits Member Plus script and you will see how it can simply transform your Internet Marketing business and take it to the next level.  Highly Recommended!


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