Q&A: Will We One Day Have No Use for Real Life Actors?

Question by Venom: Will We One Day Have No Use for Real Life Actors?
Do you think technology will become so advance that we can digitally create everything, to include actors, and make it look like real live thing? (meaning you couldn’t tell the difference)

For example, what if someone created a dream maker where they can somehow hook up a Computer/TV to your brain and thus making a movie just from you thoughts?

What would that do to the Movie Industry? Would Actors and Actress become the thing of the past? No more academy awards for best actor/actress. No more E! Entertainment Biographies. No more Red Carpet.
You are not getting me…
I am talking about if you couldn’t tell the difference between the CGI and Real Life.

I am sure it is alot more inexpensive to make and more to profit from.

Best answer:

Answer by Caboose
That is a good point, and however possible it is not to use real people in movies i think the idea of having people play roles will say around forever just like plays are still around

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