Q&A: Why do white people make these people celebrities?

Question by Sweetness: Why do white people make these people celebrities?
The white media tend to make celebrities of women who pose naked in men’s magazines, then there is Hugh Hefners’s ??, then there is Tiger woods’s mistresses, then there porn stars…the list is endless. These people are now celebrated and the paps are following them every where like they won gold medals at the olympics. I actually hear less of Michael Phelps. Black people on the other hand are only celebrated if they win sports medals, fight for human rights, make great movies, music and great tv. Help me here people.

Best answer:

Answer by Mischa
add Paris Hilton, Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston, and all those other white people to the list of people who whites keep talking about but nobody else could give a f**k about…

edit: I guess modern day whites are less talented now so they make any white person famous.

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