Q&A: what are some websites that contain scripts for skits involving suicide prevention?

Question by invisible: what are some websites that contain scripts for skits involving suicide prevention?
I want to perform a skit in this years talent show that will make the middle schoolers in my school think twice about committing suicide or cutting.There are alot of kids who have been talking about it and I want to make a difference.It has to be less than 5 minutes and easy to act out.If you know any websites that could help me please reply.Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren F
My favorite skit against suicide prevention is the book of Jonah.
He ran away (Just like a person considering suicide) But God draw him into a place where he really wanted to die (the Belly of the great fish) Only to spit him out stinking in a strange land.
In the end Jonah really hated everything around him but the real moral of he story is that God did a beautiful thing through Jonah. By using Jonah to preach righteousness, God saved Ninevah.

Twist the story around so that it relates to a suicidal person in a fun way but keep it faithful to God’s intent.

Learn from www—ebiblefellowship and tell about how the Bible declares the end of the world begins on 5/21/2011. Knowing the end is so near your skit can be about all the many ways the suicidal persons can help humanity by spreading God’s word “Just like Jonah”.

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