Q&A: What are some possible job ideas for a good visualizer?

Question by M3G4N: What are some possible job ideas for a good visualizer?
I’ve been thinking latley about what I want to get into after highschool. And I know that I want to get into the ‘design’ or ‘creation’ work feild, but I just don’t know exactly what is right for me. So I thought that asking here might give me some ideas!

I am an excellent visualizer. I create things in my mind, such as when I’m listening to music, I make my own little ‘music video’ to that song. I can create images in my head of pictures I want to take, or drawings or paintings I want to make. But I sometimes lack the ability to create the images. But I am a fast learner, so I could probably adapt to different kinds of programs or abilities. I also love to draw, and I love using the computer to create art. Making movies is also something I like.

I’m not exactly sure which way to go, becuase I have a whole bunch of different ideas whirring through my mind, and I really just want to have one big idea! So if anybody has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Tricky
Try going into film if you already create the story-boards in your mind.

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