Q&A: twilight and new moon……huh?

Question by : twilight and new moon……huh?
Okay, we all have heard of the movie twilight and new moon, theyre good movies and books but not that good,lol…….let me explain,lol…..what i mean is i dont get why its fans, with the main majority being girls, go absolutely insane over twilight,lol…..I honestly know over a dozen girls who burst out in tears when a commercial comes on about twilight or anything twilight related, like there grandmother just died or something,lol. Dont get me wrong, im not downing the movie and books but whats all the hype about? am i missing something?lol. At the mall near my house there was some twilight thing going on at hot topic and spencer’s gifts, and i gotta say, i couldnt even get into the mall! LOL. The traffic was backed up for like 2 hours, i felt like i was at a rave when i walked in the front doors,lol. Okay ladies, the movie n books are good but c’mon, you’re starting to get into the category of Lord of the rings, Star wars and Harry potter fans…….and those movies blow twilight out of the water, no offense to the movie and its cast and crew,lol. I just dont get it, i just hope i dont run into some dude that gets the same way as the girls do, then that will be a little awkward,lmao. So tell me, what is it about the movie that makes girls fall to the ground and have seizures?lol. Is it the story? the cast? started from the books? what is it?lol.

Best answer:

Answer by Cookie
Stupid Movie

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