Q&A: Should I be getting paid to write? HELP!!!?

selling a script
by wallyg

Question by MATTHEW C: Should I be getting paid to write? HELP!!!?
I recently pitched a script to a manager/producer. He was not very interested in what I brought him but he did give me an assignment to write a feature length comedy script. I have since done so and we are in the final stages of polishing it up. I haven’t received any payment and in fact have not even discussed it with him at length. He says that I’ll get paid when it sells. Now he wants me to start work on another feature length comedy script and I need to know if I should be getting paid to do this work. He has a lot of contacts and is well positioned to sell this thing. Should I be getting paid to write at this point or should I keep soldiering on, poor and unpaid in the hopes that one of these scripts will sell? Also, if I should be getting paid, what should I be asking for? Thanks for all your help

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