Q&A: Question for anyone who knows a lot about horses.?

Question by fgdhfghr: Question for anyone who knows a lot about horses.?
On youtube there is a clip from a movie from 1928 that shows a trolley being pulled by 2 horses in New York City. The driver is making them run at a high rate of speed and while they were filming the trolley crashes into a pole. This was an accident in the movie and wasnt supposed to happen.You can see the driver getting thrown from his seat and what looks like a policeman on the trolley, getting crushed by the pole but from what I have read, this was a dummy and not a real person.If it had been a real person, he surely would have died from internal injuries. But what you dont see in the film is what happened to the horses.Do you think the horses would have been seriously injured? Would this be considered abuse today? The actual scene starts at 3:25

Best answer:

Answer by Alyssa
i watched the scene and to me it looked like the horses barley missed the pole. like they didnt even hit it they just like brushed against it barely so its not animal abuse but i think its mean cuzz the horses could of gotten seriously injured.

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