Q&A: Movie business promoting [humans] destroying the Earth?

Question by Love my Toast: Movie business promoting [humans] destroying the Earth?
If you notice the recent trend of movies involving humans destroying the Earth (like Wall-E and The Day the World Stool Still) we, as humans, consistently are ruining and destroying the Earth.

What I don’t necessarily approve of is the fact that Hollywood is turning it into money making by promoting it. Plus, these movies are so unrealistic because (like Hollywood tends to do)… EVERYTHING WORKS OUT IN THE END. Boy meets girl, human race is saved by a lone hero, yada yada yada.

Do you think Hollywood is helping or worsening the situation?
Hehe… typo…

“The Day the World STOOD Still”

My bad. It’s late. Just got home from seeing that movie.
Whoops… thanks guys.

The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Best answer:

Answer by VaNyS
i think its trying to help but since ppl see and hear that all the time they stopped caring that much.

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