Q&A: movie about human-alien war and time travel? ?

Question by : movie about human-alien war and time travel? ?
hi i seen this movie a few years back in the midle of the night and thought it was great, but i cant remember at all what it was called. please help!

It takes place around japanese/chinese peoples. basicly if i remember it starts off in a future world of earth that is almost completly destoryed and there is only one pocket of humanity left, hiding in a mountain pass. it shows this jet plane (military jet) hovering and waiting aproval from a man on a cliff to wave him in. he does and the jet goes into the human hide out. someone says something like “is that a ?” and the ship transforms into an alien ship and these smaller aliens in suites (i think) come out and a battle starts. the humans fight back but the aliens have a shield. it then goes to this girl (the main character for the movie) and she runs to the head scientist in the hideout and warns him they are there and they have new shields. he starts up emediatly and activates a machine (which turns out to be a time machine). a few soldiers (human) try to get into the machine to travel into the past. but they get shot down by the aliens, so the girl ends up running into the machine and makes it. she goes into the past to kill the first alien that starts the war. she does tons of stuff (cant remember really) and the next thing i remember is she is holding the alien (which she realised didnt need to be killed, and that because it had been before is what caused the war). and they are on an oil Rig i think. and this bowing 747 looking jumbo jet is hovering there, she hands the baby alien thing to the jet and the jet transforms into an alien ship, takes the alien, and goes away, she then returns to her own time (which has changed so that version of herself never existed). and something else happens where i think the guy who helped her is saved because she put a metal plate in his coat jacket where he was going to be shot. thats the end. Thats all i can remember, thank you for any help and i know its a long post. thank you

Best answer:

Answer by DB
Alien VS Predator: Requim?

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