Q&A: mormons, please help me. I allowed two salesmen into my home, thinking I was going to let them vacuum my…?

Question by Ricky H: mormons, please help me. I allowed two salesmen into my home, thinking I was going to let them vacuum my…?
house and try to sell me a Rainbow or something… but no, they were Elders from the LDS church.

two very nice down to earth guys, we bs’d a bit about the weather and whatnot and then they started their presentation, it was totally scripted and rehearsed. where one stopped the other took off in the same place..

….and then one of the asked me what religion I practiced .. I said that i am a United Baptist and I have been for all of my life . and their response was.. “Well, thats why we’re here. we’re here to SAVE you from the false teachings of the world”
and one of the guys handed me the The Book of Mormon.
I calmly asked them to leave and never come back. they’ve been back three times since then. is this the proceedings on how the elders “sell” the mormon religion.. or were these guys going against what they were supposed to be doing?

Best answer:

Answer by Bud Ugly
I’m not a Mormon, nor do I know much about their techniques, but I would be more fearful of letting two salesmen into my house.

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