Q&A: Is selling and creating art ethical?

Question by The Boogie Man: Is selling and creating art ethical?
My point is: art does not neccesarily add to the efficiency of a society.
All art has a substantial initial cost for creation, distribution, and storage.
Consider all the costs that go into making a movie. What is the benefit gained?
Does the boredom satisfied translate into production gained, or stress relieved?
Does entertainment treat stress, or does it merely excite and thrill the lizard brain?
A man can be self controlled without ever seeing entertainment.
What purpose does art serve?

Best answer:

Answer by Molly
This a fairly stupid question, I’m sorry. Have you REALLY thought about what the world would be like without entertainment? Wake up, eat, go to work/school, come home, and do what? What do you do when you’re at home? Exactly. You go on the computer, watch t.v, maybe you do sports, listen to music. Can you actually imagine a world that could function without those things. No, we would go crazy. Entertainment keeps us creative and sane. It totally serves a purpose. You have to think about what you ask before you actually ask it.

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