Q&A: i have to make a movie for school… well an idea…?

Question by Nicole: i have to make a movie for school… well an idea…?
is this a good idea for a movie… choose one… i chose to incorperate bullying
An author is writing a horor story and everything she writes down happens to a girl who bullied her as a child?

about a girl who was bullied through out school and commited suicide and haunts all the people who ever made fun of her

A girl moves to America from Africa only to find racist people making fun of her natinality when she gets fed up finally she finds a friend who likes her for who she is but the friend is actually just trying to ruin her life and kill her
keep in mind im only 12

Best answer:

Answer by dominicandriver99
No cause that is my idea

i thought of it first

and HA i just copyrighted so if you make it you will get sued..

I was talking about the first one

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