Q&A: I have a few movie making questions?

Question by Greetings!: I have a few movie making questions?
The reason I’m asking this is because I’m writing a story about kids that had this crazy adventure that ended up in the news, and now they are approached with the opportunity for a movie to be made after the story.

Okay, so who first dreams of the existence of a movie? The studio? An executive producer?

Who are the first people hired? The writers? Producers? Director? All of the above?

How long would writing the firs draft of a script take? A couple of years? Longer? Depends on the movie?

At what point does casting begin? Once the script is finished? At this point, is all of the crew already hired?

And, finally, about how long does it take for a movie to premiere after the filming wraps up?

Every little bit of information help! Thank you!
Thank you! That was a big help!

Best answer:

Answer by rickdarkone
usually a writer submits the idea (story) tries for years to sell it to a studio.

If a studio picks it up they usually assign there own producer or director and depending,they find stars to appear. then special effects and props,set designers ,costumes and laborers.

usually if a studio signs on to take on a script they have all there own stuff.

If you write a story then usually that is your only contribution to that movie…you will sell the story and step off…you are done unless you get a chance to be an advisor on the movie,
But usually they won’t like you around for when they butcher and re write scenes.

Doing a film indipendantly is a bit harder because you have to find people fill in the spots as they pop up.

some movies take a few weeks and some take months some take longer due to editing and filming .

there are a lot of unseen steps that you(or I) may not of thought of.

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