Q&A: How can I try to get my screenplay around Hollywood?

Question by emersondart: How can I try to get my screenplay around Hollywood?
I have finished a screenplay and gone through editing entirely. I’d like to try to get it around to get sold or have something come from my work. I feel as though I am held back by my circumstances however, as I am a 16 year old who lives far from California. Is their any way I can send out my script or query letters and still be taken seriously as a 16 year old? Answers of any kind are appreciated.
I know about sending it to an agent, I am mostly wondering how to send it to an agent and get it taken seriously for someone my age.

Best answer:

Answer by Jeffy.
No, no, no.

You don’t send it to any agent. You must acquire an agent. If you just send it to people, you run the risk of it being stolen.

Look up and call agents just like any other service to pick one.

Studios do not take unsolicited scripts. You have to remember there are thousands just like you who feel the same way. You must go through an agent to get it read by anyone who would count. If you do send it randomly, there is nothing to stop anyone from making it their own. An agent will keep this from happening.

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