Q&A: Hachiko the movie in english?

Question by Sam H: Hachiko the movie in english?
I have a book called “Hachiko waits”. I absolutely love it. It is about a Japanese Akita inu who waits at a train station for his master to come back from work every day even after his master he dies. It is a real sad story. Then i saw on animal planet on “dogs 101” that they were making an english version of it. Can anyone tell me if when it is going to come out in theaters? Also if it was already in the theaters can you tell me where i can get a copy of it? (I put this question in pets because i thought it would get more answers then if i put it in movies) Thank you for your help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Over The Line!!

The movie is in post production, so it will still be a few months before it is in theaters.

No wait… it was screened at the Seattle International Film Festival on June 13th, so check back with imdb or another site for release dates in the next couple months. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/releaseinfo

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