Q&A: Guns in a home-movie?

Question by Anthony Ellis: Guns in a home-movie?
A few friends and myself have a weakly-funded movie that we are in the process of making. It’s a zombie-like flic and it involves a lot of handguns; firing them, using them, etc. The only issue is that we cannot figure a way to create muzzle flashes for them. We’ve got the sound down, it can just be done in post-production, but it is the visual that is the real issue.
Any suggestions, methods, or alternatives?

Best answer:

Answer by Matthew Kelly
I know from Mythbusters that in movies people use special bullets that don’t shoot anything out, they just creat a large flash. I would try to research where you could possibly find those. If they are too expensive, then I would recommend using downloading a movie making software that allows for you to create the fireing effect artificially. I know there must be something like that, because I have seen online videos where people pretend to fire guns but you still see a decent looking flash.

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