Q&A: Doing martial art stunts for movies?

Question by Ajene: Doing martial art stunts for movies?
OK we are making a Movie, we are gonna be doing alot of Martial art tricks in it too. i am wondering how would we go about doing some crazier stunts in it.

Some examples would be
When someone gets hit they fly pretty far.
How to safely hit someone.
how to make it seem like they are doing crazy flips by themselves without seeing a trampoline.(trampoline will be used for crazy flips or gaining higher ground.

Stuff like that, I have several years of Martial arts training and even do capoeira to stay in shape but some of my others arent really martial art fighters.

I’m trying to find a good answer

Best answer:

Answer by Adam D
Most of the times when someone goes airborn (unrealistic flips, getting knocked way back), they use wire harnesses. That’ll be hard for you to do as amateur film makers.

For hitting each other, its all about camera angles. Watch some professional wrestling, those guys are typically pretty good since they have to do this stuff live.

As for the training, it won’t be as important for your cast as their current work ethic. Good choreography and lots of practice can overcome a lack of martial arts knowledge for movies.

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