Q&A: Could someone please give me more detail about the movie Black Swan?

Question by Kate: Could someone please give me more detail about the movie Black Swan?
I saw the move Black Swan the other night and have no clue what to think of it because a ton of it made no sense to me. Help??
Other questions I had about the movie:
Was Lily really trying to sabotage Nina or was this only suggested?
What really happened and what was hallucinated/dreamed?
Did she really just end up stabbing herself as suicide or to make the visions stop or to get away from her mother?
Was she going crazy because she lived with her crazy mother AND because she was too much of a perfectionist?
Why is blood a common theme in the movie?
Was her teacher overly sexual with her to try and make her loosen up and be more sensual like the black swan?
Any other explanations that don’t relate to any of my questions would be greatly appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by Kris Bian
Natalie was a white swan metaphorically and lilly was a black swan and she came into natalies life and influenced her to become a mix of both swans and the teacher was symbolic of the prince in the store

the movies a big euthanism for the play where the white sean was only happy in death

( ps I dont remember natalies characters name 😛 )

I know the movie is confusing as hell, I barely half of it ! everything I wrote up there was what my friend said to me in a txt msg. I had to get him to explain it too me lol

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