Pinewood Derby Car Designs and Tips from Dremel

Learn how to make a pinewood derby car. Dremel shows you the best pinewood derby car designs and derby car tips. You can use the Dremel rotary tool to build and customize a fast derby car that will crush the competition. Be sure to follow the derby car guidelines and rules when building your car: – Your car must not exceed 7″ in length or 2 3/4″ in width – Wheels must be 1 3/4″ apart – Ground clearance must be at least 3/8″ – Your car’s weight must not exceed 5 oz in weight – No wheel bearings, bushings, springs, starting devices, or loose or moving weights or parts The most important factors when building a fast derby car are: weight, lubricant, wheels and axles. Below are pinewood derby tips to make your derby car faster. Weight: you want your pinewood derby car to be as close to the maximum weight as possible. Route out an area in your car for the weights so they are flush with the bottom of the car. Wheels: Smooth wheels mean a faster car, so sand your wheels smooth. Axles: Polish the axles to help the wheels roll smoothly. Lubrication: Dry graphite is the best lubricant for your axles.
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