PhotoShop CS5 for Beginners – #02. Opening and Saving Files

Project Files: Digital Tutorials Photoshop CS5 for Beginners
Video Rating: 4 / 5

With Microsoft Word any documentation which requires structure will require titles to define each section of the document. As discussed in previous videos you can manually highlight lines and make them bold & underlined, but you are missing out on some of the wonderful features Microsoft Word can produce for you to save you time. An example of this is a table of contents, when I first started making training material I would spend hours of time setting up my table of contents only to discover that after later editing the page numbers for the titles had changed which made my life miserable. If only I knew now what I could have applied back then! Using “Styles” specifically “Heading Styles” I could have produced my table fo contents in seconds rather than hours. This video will explain to you the purpose of heading styles, not from a formatting point of view but from a structure point of view. By the end of this video you will be able to create a table of contents based on your document in just a few clicks! This is one of many videos which can be seen at Come join the gang!

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