Perspective: How it Plays a Key Role in Decision-making!


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Perspective: How it Plays a Key Role in Decision-making!

The number one rule in decision-making is, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This seems simple enough yet every day I see people doing things that might be considered stupid or at the very least, very rude. How does this happen?

How often have you watched as someone steps in front of somebody in line at the bank or the grocery store, cut you off in traffic or pull out in front of you on the highway? Ever been on a plane when the person behind you has a tight connection? How many people get out of the way and let that person get off the plane ahead of them? Ever been on time to a meeting only to have some joker show up late and then take their own sweet time getting situated while everyone in the room has to wait for them to get settled. What about the people in the theater who are talking and interrupting your

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