Peak Oil by Chris Martenson Crash Course Chapter 17a part2.mp4

Peak Oil production 101 Lindsey Williams says oil is from an abiotic source. Abiotic, the Earth is making oil from deep below. Lindsey Williams is a preacher. He believes that nothing is older than 10000 years, how convenient. Many religious people will say almost anything to stay within the confines of their 10000 year old belief limit. Oil is indeed made from living matter such as Dinosaurs, Algae, other animals and plant life from millions of years ago. He mentions oil fields replenishing themselves. A depleted oil field that is left alone for a while to rest will indeed allow some oil to seep back to the well that was not pumped out initially. What he doesn’t tell you is that this rested oil field never produces anywhere near the rate that it used to. If there is abiotic oil out there, in order to extract it, we must find it first! If all this “abiotic” oil is available why has Russian oil production peaked and Saudi Arabia’s being on the decline? The USA peaked in 1970 and has been declining ever since with pauses along the way due to new much smaller fields temporarily stemming the decline. The North Sea, Mexico, Prudhoe Bay, Libya, Iran, Indonesia and many others are in decline. Why are the oil companies drilling in inhospitable areas such as in polar and deep water areas? Why not drill for this “plentiful” “abiotic” oil on land? Why the need to drill any new wells at all? Why would Cheney and the Neocons invade Iraq if there is abiotic oil? Why are not the
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