Parents… How do you feel about…?

Question by proudmatriarch: Parents… How do you feel about…?
letting your children 10 and under, watch scary movies? If you let them watch( with you, I hope) do you discuss with them what they have seen and explain to them the movie making process? My 5 year old likes to watch movies with me and his father. I make sure to keep open communication so that he feels comfortable discussing anything with me that may bother him and I make a point of asking. He is very mature for his age as a result.

I just wanted to add that he doesn’t watch anything that is too grotesque or sexy. ( I do have limits!)

Best answer:

Answer by norcalirish
My 9 year old is very mature for her age, but even still, I wouldn’t think of letting her watch an R rated movie, or even many PG-13s.

And when I do, I’ll have a little chat with her and say, ‘you know this movie may be scary, and there may be things you don’t like or things a 9-year old doesn’t understand. If there’s anything like that, you and I can talk about it. Right?’

Anyway, she’s used to my pre-movie speech by now.

And the last time I told it to her, she said, “Right. But if there is anything like that, I’m not gonna talk to you about it!”

LOL. So now, I make sure to ask HER questions if I think its important..

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