OSHO: You Are In Prison and You Think You Are Free

OSHO International FOSHO International Foundation — www.osho.com. Osho, a contemporary mystic has spoken on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed down to the smallest wrinkle. In this talk Osho responds to a question George Gurdjieff has said: “You are in prison. If you wish to get out of prison, the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison. If you think you are free, you can’t escape.” What are the prisons that I call “Home”? George Gurdjieff is one of the most significant masters of this age. He is unique in many ways — nobody has said things in the contemporary world the way Gurdjieff has said them. He is almost like another Bodhidharma or Chuang Tzu, apparently absurd but in reality giving great indications towards the liberation of human consciousness. You are asking about one of his significant statements. He often used to say, “You are in prison.” Sometimes he was even deeper into the reality, and instead of saying, “You are in prison,” he would say, “You are the prison.” That is more true. If you wish to get out of prison — or better to say, if you don’t want to be a prison — the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison… or you are the prison. This is something to be always remembered as one of the first principles for any seeker of truth. The tendency of the human mind is to deny those things which are ugly, to hide those things
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